Friday, 12 September 2008


What better way to start my shiny new blog than the giant outrage orgy that required me to create the Mz X persona. Sometimes something makes you so angry you just have to say something, and sometimes that something you say could make all the people you've ever loved stop speaking to you for the near future. I've got nothing to be ashamed of, but people suck. I'd rather not make my life needlessly difficult.

It all started here. Well, actually, if we get picky, it started when I followed a link to a link to another link and then a few more links until I ended up in the middle of a drama llama highway. Hell, if you want to be really technical, it started on a WestJet flight where a weepy woman tried to breastfeed her baby.

I think, before I start digging my grave, I should explain the more technical diagnosis of my cause of social death. I'll happily admit to having no great love of children. In fact, with the exceptions of certain family members and the odd cutie I encounter at work, most children make me feel more pro-abortion than pro-choice.

However, I realise the world needs the little shits. Because one day they'll become less shitty and run the hospitals, dig the roads, build my house, grow my food and pay taxes. Also, I'm not purely selfish. If you want to breed, then breed. That's your choice. And I am also not against breastfeeding, in public or otherwise. It doesn't bother me, although quite frankly, it makes me sad to see what you women have done to your bodies. What really does bother me, is the inevitable influx of stupid that always comes with this type of glorious wank. The entitled, knee jerk reaction always brought on my the slightest criticism. The mommy = best thing in the world way of thinking. The 'its natural!' arguments. The same tired old defenses and attacks paraded up and down for everyone to see.

First, the original post and its comments.

'Her Bad Mother', the blogger who started it all (is anyone else curious as to her choice of display name? Is it a joke? Is she saying she is a bad mother? Is it just for the lulz?) was flying home after an emotional visit to a sick relative. This, to be perfectly honest (I don't enjoy the PC dance) is no excuse for being a whiny bitch, but I'm prepared for some understanding. The bebe starts to need feeding. It's possible it screamed for food, which, I'll admit, makes me want to shove a nipple in its face to keep it quiet. But lady, there are options. The WC, cover it with a jacket, wear a baggy top. Whatever. Whipping your nipples out will lead to...

Well, this. Flight attendant with blanket, enter stage right. I'll let you read that for yourself, links aren't for losers. Use your initiative. But for the link phobic crowd - the basics are that the flight attendant offered the Bad Mother a blanket and asked if she'd like to cover up. HBM ignored her and continued breast feeding. The flight attendant repeated her statement, probably assuming that she hadn't been heard. She offers to leave it with her, and puts it on the seat next to HBM. She then states that some women are happier nursing under a blanket. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say she was, at this point, trying to cover her ass after being given the cold shoulder and feeling a customer complaint coming on.

And guys, that's really it. That's where 3 blog posts as well as countless 'support' blog posts by others, and 157 comments (to date) on the original post alone.

What? Did I walk out and miss an important bit of the movie again. Did something else happen on the WestJet flight. Like encouragements to starve the damn brat, or perhaps a retroactive abortion suggestion? No, the endless drama really is purely about some woman being offered the use of a blanket.

"I didn't say anything. I had always though that if that happened to me, I would say something. That I would I would ask why she was pressing the blanket upon me, that I would ask if it was WestJet policy to 'suggest' to nursing mothers that they cover up, that I would say that if I was comfortable with blankets I would have one with me, that I would say that no nursing mother wants a stranger bent over her while she nurses, asking if she wouldn't rather cover up for privacy, that I would, if I had the nerve, ask are you serious? Are you really serious? Do you not see that I might be offended, be made more uncomfortable, by your hovering, by your suggestion that I cover up? To say, no nursing mother should ever be told to cover up. To say, it is my right, it is my child's right, to nurse and be nursed here, right here, right now, in the manner that best serves us both. To say, fuck your blanket."

I dunno about anyone else, but if this happened to me, I'd say "No thanks, I'm ok without, unless its causing a problem?" Then again, the whole contraception with abortion as backup plan thing probably means I'll never have to say that. But you know what I mean. I think this reaction would have been uncalled for, and the flight attendant would have probably shit. Good thing HBM was a weepy bundle of pussy, right?

I wish that I had the emotional strength, even, to express a measure of outrage that amounts to more than this heavy sighing, this defeated complaint.

No you don't. If you did, you would have faded into the obscurity of bitchy women with loose cunts getting their tits out. There's a lot of 'em about. Your tragic back story is what's bringing in the crowd's love - you're a fucking sob spectacle.

The comments have to be read to be believed, but they're all essentially the same. Either virtual hugs, support and ass kissing, or self righteous rage. The rage falls into one of three catagories:

"Its Natural!"

Just like shitting, fucking, flossing your teeth and picking your nose. We all do them, just not while riding public transport.

"Disgusting sluts tits and cleavage and asscrack oh my!"

Yes, defending your right to get your tit out to feed your young by attacking girls who still have nice bodies showing a little flesh is real logical and real classy.

"Lol they should just not look if it bothers them."

And you should just say no thanks to the blanket and shut the fuck up if we bother you.

Now this would have all died down nicely except that some clever motherfucker got hold of WestJet's customer service email and everyone started writing letters. No one got a response, so HBM posted a whine about it. Then everyone got a response, so she threw a shit fit. Including ridiculous dramatic statements like:

I want to feel empowered when I nurse...

Doesn't sound right next to all the "its natural, it's what all mothers should do" crap, does it? When did letting an infant suck on your engorged tit become empowering? I thought this was all about feeding a baby, not feminism. Heck, I'd like to be topless from time to time as well but I haven't shat out a kid recently so I guess its not one of my 'human rights'. Darn.

(Oh, and - CBC is on the story, and they're interested in talking to Toronto parents who wrote to WestJet on my behalf, or blogged this. If you're in the GTA and did either of those things, maybe identify yourself in the comments? Cool.)

What the fuck? Just, what the fuck. "Woman offered blanket, human rights violated". Now there's a hot media news story.

I only expect things to get worse in the absolute best way possible, so lets keep an eye on this one.


Anonymous said...

Why are you so fired up about this? Does it somehow impact you, your life, your employment? I'd say that you are doing exactly what you are criticizing HBM for - freaking the f* out over "nothing".

And I'd say you don't have much room to speak about "loose cunts" if abortion is your back-up plan. Hard to have respect for anyone who places such little value on human life. Here's to hoping you never get pregnant b/c 1) it is a human life and 2) who knows how you'd actually raise a kid since you would prefer to kill it.

Anonymous said...

If you're so into the blanket, throw it over your head when there's something you don't wanna see.

Here's a reminder that you were a "little shit" once, to use your words, and fortunately for you, your mother didn't share your pro choice views.

And criticizing what women have done with their bodies to have kids? You're the product of that. You're so superficial that I can smell the Barbie plastic from here.

You're a disgusting human being for thinking of abortion as backup birth control and even worse for posting that publicly. Absolutely and truly disgusting that you have so little regard for human life.

You're also a massive hypocrite, for saying you have nothing to be ashamed of, while hiding your blog under a fake name and worried that your family would find out. Have the guts to own up to who you really are, if you "have nothing to hide."

Anonymous said...

I am not going to take the road that the last commenter did because truth of the matter is that your choice to breed, abort or prevent a pregnancy is really just that - YOUR CHOICE. Those choices in MY opinon are not up for debate/comment. I am all for that.

However I do believe that a mother should feed her child when and where she pleases. A mother that bottle feeds can whip out a bottle and feed a baby and never even get a 2nd glance. A mother that breastfeeds gets all sorts of looks and glances when she is doing the same thing the other mother did minus the bottle. That is not right.

A boob is a boob, how is it that a boob that is whipped out in public gets drools but if a boob is whipped out and a baby is attached it gets head shakes. Same boob why did it all of a sudden become "gross".

On the same note I do agree that one should cover up. Call me a prude but when my daughter was little I would never whip out my boob, EVER. My body is mine and I don't really care for strangers to see it. So during every feeding of her infant life I covered up.

That is where I will end because all of your other points are valid because they are YOUR points and you are entitled to them. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.


Anonymous said...

I don't agree with you, but I have to say this is some funny shit. I hope you keep up with your blog.

Mz X said...

You guys have the wrong idea, I'm not angry or freaking out. I'm loving the drama. It's hilarious. Abortion is indeed my backup plan, and my mum is pro-choice. It's about the only thing we do agree on. She chose to have me. I choose not to breed. That's what pro-choice means - not auto abort.

I am not ashamed and have, in fact, told my parents everything I've written here. It's more extended family who would be hurt, and could avoid me and my parents because of it. I don't give a shit quite frankly, but it would be unfair for my views to damage my parents relationship with other members of the family. If anyone wants personal contact information for me such as a phone number, I will be happy to provide it. And when I get my own place, so that any negative consequences will not effect my family, I will be happy to give out my street address.

I got nothing against women doing whatever they want to their bodies. Get fat, get stretchmarks, see if I care. But don't then slam gals like me for still having our figures intact.

I am absolutely for breast feeding, rather than formula feeding. Bottled breast milk is a good option too. But no, I have nothing against public nursing. But covering with a blanket or baggy top seems like a smart idea. And if someone does suggest that you cover up, don't throw a shit fit unless you can handle the criticism.

If I missed anyone's points, repost. It's 2.30am and I'm feelin' lazy.

Anonymous said...

Okay. Now you have to post a picture of your body (no face and I also do NOT recommend giving your phone number and/or street address out on the internet. That is DANGEROUS) since you keep going on and on about how good you look. I'm 7 1/2 months pregnant. I'll send you a pic of a couple months post-delivery so you can see that not all pregnancies cause people to "get fat" or "get stretchmarks".

I always wonder what in the hell happened to someone like you to make them they way they are. My own sister thinks her shit doesn't stink and thinks she is always right about everything. But then she also has really poor self-esteem and essentially no friends. I'm not sure what happened to her, either, but listening to you is a lot like listening to her.

And I don't think pro-choice means that you choose not to have children. Isn't pro-choice mean more like you think people should have the choice of what to do with a pregnancy once the baby is there?

Anyway... my sweet, adorable daughter needs some dinner and then off to bed so my husband and I can have some adult fun. And just for clarity's sake, I've been married 6 years & my daughter is almost 3.

Momily said...

I'm a mom. I pretty much disagree with everything that you say here, but I think you certainly have a right to say it and hold different opinions than "Moms."

That being said, I think you are funny and a clever writer. You remind me of a meaner and snarkier Sarah Silverman (who knew such a thing was possible?). . . a female David Spade.

In my distant, wayward past I held a few opinions not so different from your own, but then I had children and everything changed. I didn't have a clue about breastfeeding, didn't see why women had to it in public, didn't understand why women were exposing themselves until I found myself struggling with breastfeeding and wanting to what was best for my kids.

I think it is unfortunate that you are taking such a beating here and on HBM's comments, but then again you seem to be able to hold your own and dole out a few beats yourself. Tit for tat (pardon the pun), I suppose.

Atlanta Mommy said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you for not procreating.

Mz X said...

Dear anonymous - I don't have to, but I will.

I'm confidant enough to take a pic on demand, after a heavy meal, with the red marks across my belly from the pants I was wearing earlier. I highly doubt someone called anonymous is going to show me pics of herself 2 months after having a baby purely to prove a point, but lets see shall we?

Momily, you are fabulous. You disagree with me and kiss my ass at the same time - the two things guaranteed to make me happy. Please, continue.

Atlanta Mommy - the thanks of someone who identifies herself by her talent at shitting out kids is worthless, but appreciated never the less.

Anonymous said...

"Talent at shitting out kids"? That's what she earns for identifying herself as a mommy? And then called worthless on top of that?

Someone (unfortunately) shit you out. Give her my condolences for having a daughter like you.

In the meantime, anyone can make themselves look good in a picture with a push up bra and stretching their arms above their head to make their tummy look tighter than it is. Congratulations.

And let me second Atlanta Mommy by saying thank you for not procreating. Ever.

Mz X said...

that's not a push up bra love. Thanks for the compliment. Oh, and my arms were above my head because of identifying marks and to hold my hair out of the way. I'll try to get you a pic with them down if it bothers you SO much.

Anonymous said...

Anon here. I'm 2 months away from giving birth, so we're talking January here. I will send you some sort of picture. I should send one now of my nice, round belly. It's pretty cute.

Better run. My daughter needs help finding her other shoe. And she asked, "Can you help me find my other shoe, please?" How can anyone say no to that?

Good day!

Mz X said...

Anon, darling. I'll be waiting. I gotta admit, pregnant bellies are pretty cute. It's the flabbiness afterward that tends to be off putting, but if you can get yourself back in shape fast then that's fabulous.

Anonymous said...

Still waiting for that picture. :)